Window Operations:
- :split - horizontal split
- :vs - vertical split
- :vsplit - vertical split
- Ctrl + W, Ctrl + W - will tab between windows
- Ctrl + W, _ - will maximize current window
- Ctrl + W, = - will resize all windows equally
- 4 CTRL-W + - will increase height of window by 4 lines
- :e
- will tab through the files available in current directory - :cd <..> - will change to directory, just like system command
- :Ex - open file explorer in current window
- :Sex - split current window and open explorer in one of windows
- Hit a file to open that file in current window
- Ctrl + 6 to go back to explorer from opened file
- :s/OLD/NEW - find and replace a first occurrence on current line
- :s/OLD/NEW/g - find and replace all occurrences on current line
- :%s/OLD/NEW/g - find and replace all occurrences in entire file
- From within VI: :vertical diffsplit file
- From command shell: vimdiff file1, file2
- :ls - will list currently open buffers
- :bn - will open a buffer n, where n is a number as reported by ls
- :b
- tab through open buffers, select one to open with Enter
- :tabe - opens a new tab (tab in edit mode)
- gt - advance to the next
- gT - advance to the previous
- {count}gt - go to the {count} tab
- :tabe - path/to/file - to open a file
- :tabn - go to next tab
- :pwd - print working directory
- :cd - as usual - move to directory
- :cd D
- will iterate through directories starting with D
Visual Selection Mode
- v - to put in the visual selection mode
- y - yank/copy
- x - cut selection
- p - paste at cursoe location
Ctrl + N or Ctrl + P - this will show choices when typing partial working
Expand tabs with spaces(put these onto the .vimrc file):
:set tabstop=4
:set expandtab
Mouse Support (in the .vimrc file)
:set mouse=a
This is mostly a cheet sheet for myself, ..but enjoy